Category Archives: Blogs

Who will push me?

Who will push me?

We have so many fairs and festivals around here, this would be great to experience all of them! GET THE REST OF THE STROLLER STORY HEREMORE

That’s a fishing lure?

That’s a fishing lure?

A guy in Australia used an old iPhone as a fishing lure..and it worked! CHECK IT OUT HEREMORE

A Very Special Prom For Two

A Very Special Prom For Two

These stories always get me!  NHL Detroit Redwings Hockey Player Riley Sheahan surprised 22-year-old Morgan Behan by showing up to be her prom date Saturday night.  Morgan has been battling an inoperable brain tumor for several years and a charity organized a prom for her.  Ironically Riley had never attended his own prom!  READ MORE  …MORE

Baboon likes Magic

Baboon likes Magic

A Baboon Is Amazed by a Magic Trick There’s a video making the rounds of a guy doing a magic trick for a baboon at a zoo.  It’s a slight-of-hand thing where he makes a card disappear, and the baboon’s jaw drops like it’s blown away by it.  But maybe it just thought he had…MORE

So how many Girls?

So how many Girls?

People Are Confused Over How Many Girls Are in This Photo The Internet’s never-ending quest for the next picture like ‘The Dress’ continues.  The latest confusing photo comes from a photographer named Tiziana Vergari from Conthey, Switzerland. It shows a line of girls sitting against a wall.  But the closer you look, the more confused…MORE

Madonna’s a clown

Madonna’s a clown

MADONNA did a bizarre, last minute gig in Australia yesterday.  It was called “Tears of a Clown,” and she spent the show dressed as a clown.  The show featured her riding around on a tricycle, and trying some stand-up material.  MORE

Gift of Life

Gift of Life

An eight-year-old from Oklahoma named Natasha Fuller has been living with her grandparents in Wisconsin for two years, so she can get dialysis in Milwaukee while she waits for a kidney transplant.She has a rare disorder where your stomach muscles don’t develop right.  So it causes all kinds of problems, and she needs a transplant…MORE

Watch the balls..

Watch the balls..

A PGA Golfer Took a Shot in His Underwear A PGA golfer named GARY WOODLAND hit a shot yesterday that landed on the edge of a pond.  So he had to stand in the water to hit his next shot . . . and decided to do it in his UNDERWEAR so he wouldn’t get…MORE

Loudest Burp Ever..the Burper King

Loudest Burp Ever..the Burper King

The Battle for World’s Loudest Burp Continues A guy in Australia tried to break the record for loudest BURP this week, and he thought he did.  The noise meter he was holding clocked it at 110.6 decibels, which is about as loud as a chainsaw, and slightly louder than the current record of 109.9 decibels.…MORE

New Grudge

New Grudge

There’s a new Japanese horror movie on the way that will merge the worlds of “Ringu” and “Ju-On”, which are known as “The Ring” and “The Grudge” in the U.S. remakes. The new movie is called “Sadako Vs. Kayako”, and it’s sort of an “Alien Vs. Predator” thing where the ghosts from both franchises basically…MORE

Entertainment News

En Vogue’s Dawn Robinson Reveals She Has Lived In Her Car For Three Years

En Vogue’s Dawn Robinson Reveals She Has Lived In Her Car For Three Years

Former En Vogue member Dawn Robinson revealed in a recent YouTube video that she has been living in her car for nearly three years. The singer returned to her channel after six months of silence in order to provide fans with a life update. Robinson was relieved after making her shocking revelation about her living…

Jonas Brothers Announce Release Date For Upcoming Single, “Love Me To Heaven”

Jonas Brothers Announce Release Date For Upcoming Single, “Love Me To Heaven”

On Thursday (March 13), Jonas Brothers took to Instagram to announce the release date for their upcoming single, “Love Me to Heaven,” which is set to debut on March 21. The band first previewed the uptempo pop tune during their 20th anniversary celebration show in Toronto last month. Joe, Nick and Kevin Jonas will continue…