Category Archives: Blogs

Old Mans Dream

Old Mans Dream

A 91-Year-Old Fulfills His Lifelong Dream of Crashing Through a Garage Door  A few years ago, a 91-year-old guy in Woodstock, New York told his family the one thing he wanted to do before dying was crash a car through a garage door.   So they actually made it happen last Sunday, and filmed it. I…MORE

Wow! Every Movie Dance!

Wow! Every Movie Dance!

How many memories does this bring back for you?….This is awesome! This is one viral video which will bring you back to Idyllic thoughts of romance as a child (Grease, The Sound of Music, West Side Story, Saturday Night Fever) Crushes you had in Junior High (Judd Nelson, Kevin Bacon, Patrick Swayze, Tom Cruise) and Dance numbers that made…MORE

XXL Prankster

XXL Prankster

CHANNING TATUM dressed up like an old, balding marketing executive to surprise fans who thought they were showing up for a 3D viewing of “Magic Mike XXL“.  He even gave one woman a lap dance in character.  It was all a promo for a contest he’s running to raise money for the people of the…MORE

Horrific Air Disaster

Horrific Air Disaster

Sad…Two Airplanes Collided at an Air Show in Italy… Two single-engine planes collided before an air show in Italy on Sunday.  One of the pilots survived with minor injuries, but the other died in the crash.  And there are at least two videos of it that were shot from the ground.MORE

Lightning Bomb!

Lightning Bomb!

Lightning Hit Right in Front of a Cop Car While the Dash Cam Was On A cop in Mississippi was on the highway last Tuesday, when a bolt of lightning hit the side of the road right in front of him.  And his dash cam got it on video.MORE

Ear Spiders!

A video of a spider crawling out of a guy’s EAR is making the rounds online.  It’s not clear how it got in there, but you can see its eyes reflecting the light from the flash on his camera.  Then the grossest part is at the end . . . when it crawls back iMORE

Horse Blows..

Horse Blows..

And Now . . . A Horse Blows Out Its Birthday Candles A video of a woman in New Jersey holding a cake and singing “Happy Birthday” to her horse is all over Facebook.  Because right after the song ends, it blows the candles out with its nose, and then looks like it smiles for…MORE

Dead Air

Dead Air

A Radio Host Spent 40 Seconds of Air Time Searching on His Phone… No, it wasn’t Logan. Here’s a little lesson on what NOT to do on your show.  A sports radio host in New York named Mike Francesa wasted about 40 seconds of air time on Tuesday, searching for something on his PHONE .…MORE

No Brakes?

Someone in the Dominican Republic was showing off a feature in their new Volvo recently, where it’s supposed to detect people in front of the car, and hit the brakes so you don’t hit them. There’s a video where two guys are standing in front of it, totally confident it’ll stop . . . then…MORE


A video called “Gator vs. Truck“ picked up millions of hits on YouTube over the weekend.  It’s some idiot taunting an alligator by driving his truck right up to it.  But the alligator WINS, when it latches on to his front bumper, and rips it off.MORE

Entertainment News

En Vogue’s Dawn Robinson Reveals She Has Lived In Her Car For Three Years

En Vogue’s Dawn Robinson Reveals She Has Lived In Her Car For Three Years

Former En Vogue member Dawn Robinson revealed in a recent YouTube video that she has been living in her car for nearly three years. The singer returned to her channel after six months of silence in order to provide fans with a life update. Robinson was relieved after making her shocking revelation about her living…

Jonas Brothers Announce Release Date For Upcoming Single, “Love Me To Heaven”

Jonas Brothers Announce Release Date For Upcoming Single, “Love Me To Heaven”

On Thursday (March 13), Jonas Brothers took to Instagram to announce the release date for their upcoming single, “Love Me to Heaven,” which is set to debut on March 21. The band first previewed the uptempo pop tune during their 20th anniversary celebration show in Toronto last month. Joe, Nick and Kevin Jonas will continue…