A 15-Year-Old Wakes Up from a Heart Transplant, and His Reaction Is Great
There’s a 15-year-old kid in Detroit named Trevor Sullivan. And last February, his parents thought he had a bad cold that wouldn’t go away. But it turned out it was actually severe HEART FAILURE, and he needed a transplant.
His doctors got him on the top of the transplant list, but told his parents it could be weeks or months before they found a match.
He hung on for nine months, until they finally found a heart for him last November. Then the surgery was scheduled for the next day, and he pulled through.
And now a video his dad took of him waking up is going viral, because Trevor starts crying . . . but not because he’s in pain. Because he’s so happy to be ALIVE. And one of the first things he says is he can finally breathe again.